What does Bullet Journaling mean?
Bullet journaling is a personal way of organizing yourself, based on a system of to-do lists, reminders, schedules, sleeping tracks, and other organizational tasks grouped into a single notebook.
2. A specific method?
Usually, in every Bullet Journal, there is an index, rapid logging, logs, "holdall bag" as I call it and migration.
An index is where you summarize your notebook by writing the pages where you used a certain topic, that way you don't get lost, for example, last time I chose to put in order all my friend's birthdays so in my index was written p 5-6-Birthdays.
A rapid logging is the one part that is really up to you and how you feel would be more simple, you need to create a chart of different symbols that would abbreviate and organize information like, a red circle for special events.
Logs are kind of daily, weekly, monthly agendas and future logs are for example about organizing your whole year.
The most interesting part!! Our holdall bag, where you can be the artist you never thought you could be, you let the inspirations, ideas, topics that come gradually guide you in your new writing adventure!
Finally, migration, it's all about looking back at your old tasks, and if they're unfinished and still possible add them to new lists.
Take your pen, a notebook and let your imagination do the work! Let's Go, guys!
( if you want to know where I bought all my supplies, check out my other post😉
Bye Bye ;)

Really nice post, we all forget everything everytime, and it is nice to remind and to have a journal to remind it, even years later. I am gonna buy one, and yes please, publish a tuto..